Dance today was tough! I haven't worked on the exam syllabus stuff for maybe 4 weeks, since I've only been going to competition practice due to my broken wrist. Ohmygod, I'm so sore. My muscles have disappeared! It's gonna be so tough after I get my cast off.
I also went downtown today and to my surprise there was a St. Patrick's Day Parade! Lots of green Irish things. I didn't full out watch it though, just while I walked by. I used to love Disney Parades at Disney World/Land, they were the best. I tried on my AA dress/skirt in blue and black. I'm gonna buy it in black online. I really don't like spending my money, but I love shopping. Going to Fairview tomorrow :) More shopping!
It was really nice out today. Slightly chilly, but still nice. Can't wait for my cast to come off. 10 more days :) :). SUMMER SOON. I LOVE SUMMER. :D

I <3 you too Eric! :)