Thursday, March 12, 2009

pi = 3.14159265

The talent show at school today wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Kiamesha was amazing as always though, and Aprile and Ainsleigh were pretty good as well. March Break! One more day, but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to first period, maybe math, cause we get PIE since it's PI DAY on Saturday. Still need to memorize it.

Thirteen more days until my cast comes off! Yesssss!

So excited for March Break. Seems so much shorter this year. So much activities planned! So excited

edit: NOOOOOOOOO! TWO progress reports?!?! Wtf. Computer science AND math? Ugh, fucking fucksalt. Holy. Why am I such a failure? Now I'm grounded for March Break. Ughhhh.